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Questions tagged [localization]

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Localization of Stack Exchange site [duplicate]

I'm planning on opening a site proposal for an Arabic Language Stack Exchange site, but thought many Arabic speakers might find hardships since the interface is completely in English. So is there ...
Mohamed Abduljawad's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it possible to create another language site with English interface [duplicate]

I know that is not allowed to create new languages for interfaces, but can we create another language stackoverflow site with English interface? So, all Q/A in another language, but interface is in ...
Yola's user avatar
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Can us contribute to the stackoverflow localization with our mother language?

As I knew at a minutes ago, That our community in progressing to the internationalization "state of the stack", can us contribute with our mother language ? or our community have chosen any translator ...
Eko Junaidi Salam's user avatar
38 votes
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Internationalization 'State of the Stack'

For those I haven't yet met, I'm Tim Post, the Director of Stack Overflow Communities here at Stack Exchange. When we said we planned to reverse our previous stance on localization some years ago, we ...
Tim Post's user avatar
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Internationalization 'State of the Stack' - Stack Overflow edition

For those I haven't yet met, I'm Tim Post, the Director of Stack Overflow Communities here at Stack Exchange. A little over a year ago, Portuguese Stack Overflow opened to a wildly successful public ...
Tim Post's user avatar
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Would it be Ok to ask question for specific states inside Fedoral One

Proposal: Laws Many countries are Federal States which have States in themselves. Many Others have autonomous regions. Would it be Ok to ask questions for specific laws in those regions or it would ...
user2284570's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Badge localization

Proposal: Stack Overflow (in Spanish) Probably this is a silly question but I'm just wondering how are badges going to be translated into Spanish. I've been trying some translations and they just don'...
Mosty Mostacho's user avatar