Proposal: Computer Graphics
As of right now, the list of topics for this proposal stands as:
- image processing
- computational geometry and topology
- ray tracing technologies
- graphics libraries
- gpgpu
- specific graphics cards questions
- performance related questions
These topics, while good, are distinctly lacking in some traditional graphics topics. My question is whether or not these topics are in addition to whatever your standard graphics topics are, or whether or not this is a list of some of the example topics to be asked on this site.
In any case, there should be a list of 'on topic' graphics algorithms that may be more relevant for "computer graphics" to add into the topics list:
- rendering (radiometry, photometry, etc)
- spatial acceleration structures (BVH, K-D trees, etc)
- mesh processing
- asset representation (triangle strips vs triangle fans, mesh and texture compression, etc)
- intersection queries (torus intersect frustum?)
- graphics pipeline questions
That being said, it might be better to simplify the description of the site to be something along the lines of "Algorithms and hardware used in the creation of digital images"