Proposal: Genealogy & Family History
I would really like this proposal to succeed and so I became a committer. Then through my activity on Stack Overflow, I reached the coveted 200+ rep points, thus adding to number of 200+ people are committed, or so I thought. Turns out I was wrong.
While I really like the Stack Exchange sites like Stack Overflow, there can be some confusion when moving from one of the sites to the other. My problems arose in that I had registered on both sites with the same email address yet they were never tied together for some reason. Once I reached 200 I then tried to become a committer but it said my email address was already a committer because I had an account on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange with the same email.
My solution was to become a committer with a different email address and then tie that new email address to my Stack Overflow account which was simple as it almost forced me to do so. My rep points then flowed over and I showed up as a committer.
If you are trying to become a committer, especially if you have 200+ points elsewhere, share your problems and how you overcame them.