
When I tried to commit a proposal, a message (as shown in the image) appears/ enter image description here

Yes I can commit to only three proposals at a time.

If I want to commit to any other, I have to uncommit or any of the committed site must be launched in beta.

Here, in the three sites,

Computer Science Educators are in Private beta

DevOps are in public beta.

So, at present I committed to only one proposal, Interpersonal Skills.

1 Answer 1


If I want to commit to any other, I have to uncommit or any of the committed site must be launched in beta.

Not quite true—the site must be launched and you follow through on your commitment to that site:

I commit to participate actively in [site] for at least three months, especially during the private beta, and to ask or answer at least ten questions.

You haven't yet done that for DevOps or Computer Science Educators, so your commitment is still unfulfilled.

Your commitment cannot be reused until you either fulfil it, or six months pass since the beta launch:

If you aren't active on the site, you won't be able to re-use the commitment until the end of the public beta, or until six months after the beta began.

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