Proposal: Latin Language

Is it acceptable to ask or answer using terms from neo-Latin and Contemporary Latin (created to describe more modern things or ideas)? For instance, Contemporary Latin has a word for car—autoraeda. Are these still considered Latin, or does the site focus on classical and maybe medeval Latin?

Note: a dictionary of such words exists in the Latinitas Recens which has a mirror here

  • Note that many European languages can be considered as latin. They were also a time in the medieval age were they were not that distinct from latin and were the differentiation took place from other languages of their time. Commented Jun 9, 2015 at 23:38

2 Answers 2


I'm all for including contemporary Latin. On other language sites, questions about variants (ancestors, dialects, other languages from the same language family) of the language are considered on-topic, be they literary, spoken, extinct, or otherwise. On these sites appropriate tags are used to maintain order. For example,

For Latin, we can do the same:

On other language sites, questions about the contemporary language are most frequent. For Latin, the situation is reversed in that Contemporary Latin is less common than Classical Latin or Medieval Latin (for now!). That doesn't matter, though, and I think Contemporary Latin should be on-topic (and questions about Contemporary Latin be tagged accordingly).

  • 2
    “(for now!)” Vivat Latinitas!
    – Ben Kovitz
    Commented Jun 4, 2015 at 0:03

Latin, or some version of it, is still used as an official language by the Holy See; and official translation dictionaries are maintained for words and phrases that are not present in or before medieval Latin ("social media", "computer", "television", etc.). So I think it's perfectly on-topic to discuss contemporary Latin. (How else could one discuss translation questions for Catholic encyclicals, for example?)

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