Proposal: Genealogy & Family History
A chat area for this proposal has been created, called: "Roots"
Visit it at: where you can talk live to other Committers to the proposal.
Or if no one is there, leave a message, and come back later.
This chat is associated with Area 51. It seems you need to have earned 20 reputation at Area 51 to be able to say something in the chat, but anyone can browse. Stack Exchange uses these little techniques to get you to participate (even if just minimally) to get privileges. To get 20 points on Area 51, contribute a couple of good questions to another proposal and get a couple of upvotes on them. You don't have to follow or commit to that proposal to contribute a question.
See this discussion with people bitching about the 20 points needed: Reputation 20 for Chat
Once we have our Beta going, we will have a chat for our Beta, and you'll have to earn 20 reputation on our Genealogy & Family History Q&A site, which will be very easy for all of us.