I just discovered that there's this close-as-off-topic reason on Area 51 Discussion Zone (emphasis added):
This looks like a question for a site that hasn't been created, yet. This forum is designed to discuss these proposals to create new sites. If a site is created for this subject, you might be able to ask your question there, but I have to close this as 'off topic' for this forum. Sorry about the confusion.
There's an awful wording error here. The close reason (which is written by a SE employee therefore it can be considered official) is calling this site a forum, which is not a forum by definition!
Shouldn't it look like this? (again, emphasis added)
This looks like a question for a site that hasn't been created, yet. This site is designed to discuss these proposals to create new sites. If a site is created for this subject, you might be able to ask your question there, but I have to close this as 'off topic' for this site. Sorry about the confusion.