Proposal: Arabic Language

ماذا سنفعل بالمشاركات -خاصة الأسئلة- التي تنسخ العربية بحروف لغة اخرى؟ فمثلا السؤال:

What is the difference between the usage of 'Rasoolahu' and 'Rasoolihi'?

يسأل عن الفرق في استخدام الكلمة "رسولهُ" وكلمة "رسولِه"، وذلك السؤال يسهل فهمها. لكن في معظم اﻷحيان يصعب فهم هذه اﻷسئلة، فكيف نتعامل مع هذه الأسئلة؟ هل نغلقها كغير واضح أو غير مفهوم؟ أم نمنع هذا النسخ نهائيا، ولو كانت في غير اﻷسئلة؟

When things are transliterated, it is very hard to understand, so what should we do with such questions (like the one above)? should we close it as unclear and not understandable? or should we ban transliteration out right?

  • 1
    If we use a tag transliteration (as you did) that might help. Some moderators could be assigned the task of taking care of transliterated aspects of questions in order to guarantee the soundness of the transliteration (and thereby, at times, to improve the quality of questions, if the transliteration is particularly bad and misleading) Commented Oct 6, 2014 at 7:01
  • @ClintEastwood That wouldn't be the right way to use tags - see The Death of Meta Tags for history.
    – hairboat Staff
    Commented Oct 27, 2014 at 18:17

5 Answers 5


الأفضل هو منع هذا النسخ نهائيا!


The proposal is presented as a "Q&A site for non-native & native Arabic Language learners, linguists & experts to discuss finer points of the language."

One can very well discuss finer points of the Arabic language and grammar even in transliteration as long as one uses a proper transliteration system. One just needs to have a brief look at scientific papers in English, French, or German about Arabic language, grammar, and literature. They have been discussing grammar and technical things about the Arabic language for decades and centuries and had to resort to transliteration because it was difficult (and presumably expensive) to typeset their academic work with Arabic characters alongside Latin ones.

My point is that as long as a user obeys some rules and knows how to transliterate properly, there is no reason why questions on this site should not contain Arabic in transliteration. I am talking about "proper" transliteration, because false and unclear transliteration can make a question unintelligible, thus defeating the idea of a Q&A-site.

Regarding your example question: The transliteration of رسول as "rasool" is not scientific. But even so, the transliteration in your example question is well enough that it becomes clear what it is you are asking, so that I could give you an answer.

Something else: The one who answers the question is not bound to use transliteration, too, just because the one who asked the question used transliteration.

Finally, I myself will employ transliteration and I know how to transliterate Arabic properly on a scientific level. And yes, I am committed to support a Q&A-site that discusses "finer points" of the Arabic language.

  • Some would say that the attached pronooun makes this closable, I think that's what the OP was geting at, probably as "too broad"
    – Sammaye
    Commented Oct 4, 2014 at 18:13
  • @Sammaye: It took the OP's question to be about a general point and not in the first place on his example with the pronoun. So, may answer, too, was about the general point of using transliteration when engaged in intricate questions about Arabic grammar. The bottom-line of my answer is that using transliteration does not prevent one from discussing finer points of the language and so there is no reason to close a question that makes use of transliteration. Commented Oct 6, 2014 at 6:56

I would personally close, it seems there could be some transliteration that could be understandable and have a straight "a to b" answer.

For example one bit of transliteration that has got me really interested in this area is influential letters.

Essentially, as I was watching (learnt) last night, these letters do not change the transliteration but can change the entire emotion portrayed in Arabic.

So I think some transliteration questions could be quite interesting, especially for non-native Arabic speakers.

Some of the more common transliteration question could be acceptible if it is clear to distinctly say: "This word goes here and this word goes there" without too much transliteration I think.


أعتقد أنه من الأفضل أن نتوسط في الأمر، فلا نمنع الأمر بالكلية كما أننا لا يجب أن نشجعه، للتوضيح أكثر نحاول إعادة النسخ بالعربية مع الإعراب عن استهجان الأمر، فإن استحال علينا إعادة نسخ السؤال بالعربية قمنا في هذه الحالة بغلق السؤال نهائيا رجاءً من السائل أن يوضخ مَقصَده

I think it is best to have an open mind about this issue, yet we should not encourage it, for clarification we should rewrite the words in Arabic letters if we can and down vote the question, in the other hand if that seems to be impossible or ambiguous we close the question in hope that the user rectifies it.

  • I agree for the most part but this question, if posed I would close, mainly due to the rules and explanation attached to using hu or hi in genitive
    – Sammaye
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 20:55

It's not a problem for native speakers to just determine what he wants to say .. so if he is not able to write it in Arabic language then it's not a problem to express what he wants to ask about ..

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