I think this should have happened during private beta on the site's meta, but let's go for it.
As for fields, I definitely see those:
- Algorithmic Learning
- Algorithms and Datastructures (+)
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (*)
- Compiler Theory
- Computer Engineering
- Database Theory
- Distributed Systems
- Formal Languages and Semantics (+)
- Logics (+)
- Network Theory
- (Principles of) Programming Languages
- (Formal) Specification and Verification of Systems (+)
Probably also the computer science parts of interdisciplinary fields such as:
- Bioinformatics (*)
- Robotics (*)
Please feel free to expand the list and add detailed subitems. Items marked with (*) are (partly) represented on other proposals/sites, too. Items marked with (+) are represented on cstheory.SE if on research level.
As for levels, these are my thoughts:
- Soft questions as present on many sites, e.g. discussing the field, its practices or asking for general advice.
- Academic Beginner questions, i.e. coming from undergraduate students and probably relating to course material. A policy for homework questions has to be developed; I like the model from math.SE.
- Academic Advanced questions, i.e. questions students may come up with during their studies.
- Academic Research questions, i.e. questions relating to current research and open problems.
- Interested Practitioner questions, e.g. opens a textbook and is overwhelmed.
- Practitioner Problem questions, i.e. a practitioner runs into a problem at work/his hobby that needs some CS insight.
I don't think the word "level" is quite right as they might be orthogonal, but for lack of a better word I stick to it.