Maybe it would be inappropriate to recommend software you are personally involved in developing or distributing or otherwise your answer would be seen as an advertisement. This perhaps brings this additional discussionthis additional discussion, when the question regards free/open-source software, and the software matches the users' criteria.
If the software that is recommended is malicious, has known problems and/or is otherwise not expected to work for the OP configuration, and that is obvious, then we should prevent such recommendations. The same is applicable if the OP's specific configuration would be problematic for the recommended software, while in general the software is OK. Rejecting/downvoting answers in this category, I believe, must be well explained in the answer's comments section.
Note: Ironically, I personally have included a link to a discussion topic that I have started (thus promoting it). This is all for the sake of that topic itself, as it is relevant enough and I did not see it directly addressed.