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Robert Columbia
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Proposal: Microsoft Windows

[Super User] 2 kinda already does this, the second most popular tag is Windows 7, then Windows, and Windows 10 is up there as well. If you look at the windowsWindows [tags] 3, they all have at least 200 questions, so it's well established.

Proposal: Microsoft Windows

[Super User] 2 kinda already does this, the second most popular tag is Windows 7, then Windows, and Windows 10 is up there as well. If you look at the windows [tags] 3 they all have at least 200 questions, so it's well established.

Proposal: Microsoft Windows

[Super User] 2 kinda already does this, the second most popular tag is Windows 7, then Windows, and Windows 10 is up there as well. If you look at the Windows [tags] 3, they all have at least 200 questions, so it's well established.

Improve grammar, clarify title
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Robert Columbia
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Is it really necessary? Microsoft Windows is on-topic on Super User

Proposal: Microsoft Windows

Super [UserSuper User] 2 kinda already does this, the second most popular tag is windowsWindows 7, then windowsWindows, and windowsWindows 10 is up there aswellas well. If you look at the windows [tags] 3 they all have at least 200 questions, so itsit's well established.

Is it really necessary?

Proposal: Microsoft Windows

Super [User] 2 kinda already does this, the second most popular tag is windows 7, then windows, and windows 10 is up there aswell. If you look at the windows [tags] 3 they all have at least 200 questions, so its well established.

Microsoft Windows is on-topic on Super User

Proposal: Microsoft Windows

[Super User] 2 kinda already does this, the second most popular tag is Windows 7, then Windows, and Windows 10 is up there as well. If you look at the windows [tags] 3 they all have at least 200 questions, so it's well established.

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Is it really necessary?

Proposal: Microsoft Windows

Super [User] 2 kinda already does this, the second most popular tag is windows 7, then windows, and windows 10 is up there aswell. If you look at the windows [tags] 3 they all have at least 200 questions, so its well established.