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42 votes

Problem with the crypocurrency community

There already is a cryptocurrencies site. The problem is that it's called Bitcoin, not Cryptocurrencies, so users of anything but bitcoin don't realise their questions would be on-topic there. From ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
28 votes

Are automatic theorem provers on-topic?

I would prefer to err on the side of inclusiveness, so yes. And the two communities really should be talking to each other more than they do.
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
  • 2,625
24 votes

Should questions about legality be on topic?

Good question, especially in a time when new and confusing regulations are being drafted by the day. I'm thinking yes. As long as it is prefaced by the disclaimer that this forum isn't responsible ...
ifconfig's user avatar
  • 3,801
24 votes

Are automatic theorem provers on-topic?

Yes Even if you put all the different branches together, formal methods is a rather niche field, and I don't think there would be so much success having separate sites for ATPs and ITPs. At the same ...
Mario Carneiro's user avatar
22 votes

What is on-topic here and not on Writers?

Documentation involves writing, but it isn't writing. It's interviewing, collating, taxonomizing, maintaining, fixing, updating, expanding, pruning, and more. The writing aspects of technical ...
warren's user avatar
  • 7,716
20 votes

How does the topic of this site differ from Aviation, Electric Engineering and Robotics?

It differs in that it will have a concentration of people who can answer the questions. In my experience: Aviation isn't much good at answering questions about the practical applications of ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 1,238
19 votes

Will it be strictly reserved to so called "natural products" or will question about GMO products will be also allowed?

I can't think of any reason why a proposal for vegetarianism would be restricted to "natural" products. So-called "unnatural" products are still vegetarian, after all.
C_Z_'s user avatar
  • 356
18 votes

Why do we need a SynBio.SE when we already have Bio.SE, Bioinformatics.SE and researchgate?

My take on this is two-fold: First, SynBio is an extremely cross-disciplinary pursuit. This means that often the answer to a question doesn't fall into a category neatly. For example, my answer to ...
jakebeal's user avatar
  • 616
17 votes

Will this site allow other reduced-meat diets?

The proposal was originally just for Veganism (not just the diet aspect), but after discussion we decided to expand to include Vegetarianism due to many (but not all) overlapping aspects. If we ...
dsgriffin's user avatar
  • 2,465
17 votes

Should questions asking for support for a specific software suite or firmware be on-topic?

This is a very good question. Personally, I feel the answer should be yes... in most cases. I think it is easy to agree that bug reports and associated issues with software packages should go on their ...
ifconfig's user avatar
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16 votes

How can this proposal be clearly distinguished from Chemistry, Physics, Computational Science, ...?

Nice to meet you Martin! Before making this proposal, I tried to get in touch with you and orthocresol earlier this week on a chat room I made but wasn't able to grab your attention. One year ago we ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
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15 votes

Do programming languages have a place within Conlang discussion, and why or why not?

Possibly… but probably not in way you are implying. I think calling a conventional programming syntax a "language" in the context of this subject space is playing a bit fast and loose with the ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
15 votes

Should both language design and language implementation be on-topic?

Yes, both design and implementation should be on-topic First, the proposal says this: Programming Language Design Proposed Q&A site for designers and implementers of computer programming ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 560
14 votes

Should esoteric programming language design be included?

Yes (Most) Esolangs are definitely programming languages. Also, the very idea of the site itself came from 5 users in the Code Golf Stack Exchange, where we love working on esoteric and golfing ...
Seggan's user avatar
  • 286
14 votes

Should we allow questions about other parts of the software toolchain?

Profilers and Debuggers Questions about creating debuggers and profilers wouldn't be on topic, but questions about exposing debug symbols and memory layout location to a debugger of profiler would be, ...
mousetail's user avatar
  • 378
13 votes

Should book recommendations be on-topic?

No. Book recommendation questions have a tendency to invite multiple subjective answers and fall under the "primarily opinion-based" close reason which applies on all sites: Many good questions ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
11 votes

Do programming languages have a place within Conlang discussion, and why or why not?

The problem is that all programming languages are constructed (yes, even Common Lisp), so basically anything about programming would be on-topic in this case, since all have to use a (constructed) ...
Wtrmute's user avatar
  • 151
11 votes

How does "Programming Language Design and Implementation" overlap with existing SE communities?

This definitely isn't the full picture, but here's the list from which computer science / programming Stack Exchange sites do I post on? annotated with how they might overlap with our site (sites with ...
rydwolf's user avatar
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10 votes

Will questions about graphical/low code languages be on topic for language design

Yes. There really doesn't seem any problem with allowing questions from graphical languages in PLD, as after all, they're languages. Besides, as some questions may not go along with text-based ...
SectorCorruptor's user avatar
9 votes

Can we have a Physical Science SE for people with low quality physics questions?

You are mixing up "low quality" and "simple". Asking why the sky is blue is not necessarily a "low quality" question (for example), the quality of the question depends on how it was asked not it's ...
ChrisF's user avatar
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9 votes

Should we allow questions about the procedure of creating programming languages?

I'd say yes. The name of the site is literally "Programming language design and implementation". Which sort of tells you that there will be questions about creating (designing) programming ...
Deko Revinio's user avatar
8 votes

How should we craft the site description for "Technical Communication?"

Edit: Already implemented this change: Documentation: Proposed Q&A site for information developers, technical communicators, writers, programmers, engineers, and others interested or ...
David Vogel's user avatar
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8 votes

Are military drones on-topic?

The below is all just my opinion: No. The site is about model aircraft—that is, working aircraft that are too small to carry a human pilot. Such aircraft must be remote-controlled, autonomous, or ...
Sophie Swett's user avatar
8 votes

Will PLD allow list questions?

I think some such questions would be valuable, and should be allowed; they are likely to be among the most popular Q&As on the site. That said, there are a limited number of list questions which ...
kaya3's user avatar
  • 151
8 votes

Do we want questions that are less technical and more UX-related?

Only if they can be made somewhat objective "Should I use tabs or spaces for indentation" is bad. "What are the advantages to using tabs over spaces for indentation in my language" ...
mousetail's user avatar
  • 378
8 votes

Should both language design and language implementation be on-topic?

Programming language design and programming language implementation are very different things. Theoretically, that's true. In practice, though, for most languages (certainly, almost all of the ...
kaya3's user avatar
  • 151
7 votes

Are graphic novels on topic (specifically non scifi/fantasy)?

I would vote yes. I wish I could remember the name of it, but I read a graphic novel a year or two ago depicting a young Chinese-American man's struggle with balancing the culture of his parents ...
miltonaut's user avatar
  • 151
7 votes

Problem with the crypocurrency community

I agree that it makes most sense to have a single blockchain community that addresses any questions on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, IOTA, Blockstack, etc. If it were up to me, I'd ...
John Slegers's user avatar
7 votes

Seeding our proposal with "Frequently Asked Questions"?

No, participants should post real-world, actual questions they would like ask on the proposed site. This is how we gauge if you have a knowledgeable, avid community with intriguing problems from folks ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar

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