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16 votes

What constitutes flagging a proposal?

Elrond Network has one of the strongest community in the blockchain space and massive engagement from both new devs and non-tech folks. You can check the numbers here -> ...
Marius Grigoras's user avatar
11 votes

What constitutes flagging a proposal?

In my opinion the influx of new users is normal given the fact that the proposal is only 1 week old. Elrond also has a strong community that is increasing day by day, and it is reasonable to deduct ...
theAsker's user avatar
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8 votes

What constitutes flagging a proposal?

This is because of the volume of recent new followers to the area 51 site. This is what the official FAQ page says: A good Q&A site needs a lot of people to support it, so users are asked to ...
ROMANIA_engineer's user avatar
7 votes

What constitutes flagging a proposal?

To be more direct and general about your question: evidence. A list of users that recently joined the site to follow a proposal means very little. We already run checks to make sure there is no ...
animuson's user avatar
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6 votes

What constitutes flagging a proposal?

I personally would not jump to conclusions without taking into account the entire context. The way I see it for this particular case, but I feel most points could relate to any topic: The number of ...
Cristina_eGold's user avatar
5 votes

Should this still exist?

That's not a proposal, it's a live site One that's been around for over 8 and a half years ... or about 7.5 years longer than you have been ;) Pretty sure SE management knows it's low-traffic, and ...
warren's user avatar
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3 votes

What constitutes flagging a proposal?

You said : "There could also be voter fraud (meaning people creating multiple accounts and then voting up as many questions to 10 votes as possible)" But it doesn't make sense. Why would ...
Amo's user avatar
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