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17 votes

How can we draw more attention to Literature?

I and others have posted Community Promotion Ads for the Literature proposal on several sites which are similar enough in scope that a significant proportion of their userbases might be interested: ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
15 votes

Is just English literature on topic?

This would probably be a question for the Literature meta site if/when that's created. I don't know whether any of these Area 51 Discussion questions will get migrated to the meta site (and suspect ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
13 votes

Should book recommendations be on-topic?

No. Book recommendation questions have a tendency to invite multiple subjective answers and fall under the "primarily opinion-based" close reason which applies on all sites: Many good questions ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
12 votes

How can we avoid friction with SciFi.SE?

There was a Literature site for a little less than a year. It failed in beta due to lack of traffic. (The rules have changed so it would now be given more time to expand.) The Literature site did ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
11 votes

How can we avoid friction with SciFi.SE?

I see this as no different to the potential overlap between SF&F and M&TV. These two sites have coexisted for a quite some time without friction, as you put it. Look at the number of ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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8 votes

How do you make it plain that Literature includes non-fiction?

The proposal is advancing nicely, I would expect a Beta launch about February. At Beta launch the proposal will take on new life, most of the things discussed in Area51 Meta will be forgotten. It ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
7 votes

Are graphic novels on topic (specifically non scifi/fantasy)?

I would vote yes. I wish I could remember the name of it, but I read a graphic novel a year or two ago depicting a young Chinese-American man's struggle with balancing the culture of his parents ...
miltonaut's user avatar
  • 151
7 votes

How will Literature be run different this time?

A clearer and better site scope. Judging from what I've read about the failure of the previous Literature site - e.g. Why did Literature fail? - it seems that many of the problems there were due to ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
7 votes

Literature or Books?

Total disagreement TL;DR: Literature and books are two very different things. We should not use the most popular medium of literature as title. All the example questions are about literature. Books....
Helmar's user avatar
  • 668
7 votes

Will the content of the old Literature proposal be re-imported into this one?

Not automatically, no. If there are some questions from the old Literature proposal which you feel are particularly good and worthy of being on the new site, you can always manually re-post them on ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
7 votes

Should questions about authors be ontopic?

Yes. (with the usual proviso that this is probably something to be worked out on meta once we enter private beta) Learning about authors helps us to appreciate their works better. If we want to ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
6 votes

Is Lighting Design proposal a duplicate of Electrical Engineering SE?

No, Lighting Design is something completely different. Lighting design is also known as 'stage design'. A light show is an example of lighting design and nothing to do with electrical engineering. ...
Hugo Woesthuis's user avatar
6 votes

How can we draw more attention to Literature?

Spread the word, use the community ad feature of the sites you already participate in. We just got the first referral from ELU :)
Helmar's user avatar
  • 668
6 votes

Are graphic novels on topic (specifically non scifi/fantasy)?

If I may, I feel there is some confusion of what a graphic novel is (or even what literature is) and isn't. A Graphic novel isn't a genre; it's a format, much like an audiobook.[1] While it is often ...
user166076's user avatar
6 votes

Is just English literature on topic?

Yes; as long as the actual question is written in English. This has worked well in other sites such as Movies & TV[1] and Science Fiction & Fantasy[2] The only "issue" would be whether you'd ...
Möoz's user avatar
  • 143
5 votes

Thoughts on a Classical Music site?

There are in fact two music sites already: Music: Practice & Theory Music Fans I don't see how making a third site would help. It would in fact just splinter the community even further.
curiousdannii's user avatar
5 votes

Is there any interest in an "Acting" site?

The best way to see if there's enough interest is to make a proposal. Go ahead, you can do it right now! Share it with people you know, and other people from the Stack Exchange network will also see ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
5 votes

Would a Comic Books SE overlap too much with SCFI?

Comics would overlap directly with Science Fiction & Fantasy Literature Anime & Manga and then potentially Ebooks Writing Worldbuilding have areas of expertise that are likely to be ...
Nij's user avatar
  • 151
4 votes

Are graphic novels on topic (specifically non scifi/fantasy)?

Interesting question. Generally most example questions would easily fit such works too. Thus, we would need a community decision on meta in the private or public beta to discern if the site views ...
Helmar's user avatar
  • 668
4 votes

How can we draw more attention to Literature?

There are plenty of literature forums already out there on the web, but our proposal has an advantage over many of these, which is the voting system. I think placing advertisements in other ...
ktm5124's user avatar
  • 209
4 votes

How can we avoid friction with SciFi.SE?

I think the overlap between the science fiction part of a literature site and SFF.SE will sort itself out with time and an acceptable level of friction. To exaggerate, if you want to know the ...
ab2's user avatar
  • 282
4 votes

Why was my Etymology Proposal deleted?

Etymology is already on topic on our English Language & Usage site. We have many language-based sites where etymology is on topic for each respective language. We prefer not to create a catch-all ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
4 votes

How do you make it plain that Literature includes non-fiction?

In the first instance, meta. Once the site enters the private beta stage, there will be an associated meta site where all scope issues can be discussed. Post a meta question asking "should non-...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
4 votes

Redefining Site in Beta

The community of Area 51 cannot answer whether the Music Fans site should expand the scope of their site. That question should be asked in their meta support (which looks like they already did). The ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
4 votes

Would a Comic Books SE overlap too much with SCFI?

Comic books might overlap a lot with Science Fiction & Fantasy, but they are already on-topic on Literature The relevant meta post had 4 answers that unanimously agreed that comic books are on-...
Andrew T.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Would a Comic Books SE overlap too much with SCFI?

Yes, unfortunately it would overlap significantly with existing sites. At this time, the intended use case for testing an idea for a site is propose it — but in doing so, you are also asked to ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar

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