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Proposal about culture bias or culture difference?

I encountered the concept of culture bias years ago and I found that really matters when I went abroad. For example, showing knowledge may seem offensive, especially in front of the elderly. ...
Lerner Zhang's user avatar
7 votes
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how does naming work for new sites?

For new proposals, how are names and URLs selected? For example, Cross Validated is at so this is not an fully automated process, since the name and URL do not match. ...
igor's user avatar
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What does a asterisk (star) in front of a proposal name mean?

In the "All proposals" view I noted that some proposals (obviously very new ones) are preceded by a star, e.g. * Magic at this moment. What does the star mean?
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why do proposal titles have to be at least 15 characters?

I see other people's proposals and their titles are less than 15 characters. But when I create a proposal, the title of it must be at least 15 characters long before submitting. Does the error go away ...
clickbait's user avatar
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Standardizing & Simplifying SE Site Names

This is a repost of an announcement/discussion on Meta Stack Overflow. I'm cross-posting here since this is where new sites are born and named, and because you may notice some proposal names ...
Laura's user avatar
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'How to Hire', where providers inform seekers of best practices.

I recently proposed How To Hire to Area51. I would love some feed back. The idea of professionals informing service seekers seemed valuable and inspired the proposal. Just wanted to see if others felt ...
Brian Dillingham's user avatar