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Localization of Stack Exchange site [duplicate]

I'm planning on opening a site proposal for an Arabic Language Stack Exchange site, but thought many Arabic speakers might find hardships since the interface is completely in English. So is there ...
Mohamed Abduljawad's user avatar
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Automtive Elektrik Elektronik [duplicate]

Ich würde gerne eine deutschsprachige Frage-Antwort-Seite, analog zu Stackoverflow, kreieren, die sich mit Themen aus der EE im automotiven Bereich (Infotainment, Funktionsentwicklung, ...) ...
Noureddine Ouertani's user avatar
67 votes
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Internationalization 'State of the Stack' - Stack Overflow edition

For those I haven't yet met, I'm Tim Post, the Director of Stack Overflow Communities here at Stack Exchange. A little over a year ago, Portuguese Stack Overflow opened to a wildly successful public ...
Tim Post's user avatar
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Should questions about Ukrainian written in Russian be allowed here?

Proposal: Ukrainian Language Hear me out and just don't take this as trolling. This is a very subtle issue but I guess it's better to discuss here. Let me start with some facts: The thing is that ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Would topics in any language be welcome?

Proposal: Esperanto The majority of questions would likely be in English, but then we all want to try out our Esperanto too... and it seems silly to limit to just those two languages. Would ...
sevenseacat's user avatar
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Is creation of new language-devoted sites still allowed after the "Internationalization 'State of the Stack' - SE 2.0 Sites edition" was issued?

I ask not about sites like "Programming (in Chinese)" and "Cooking (in French)", but about sites devoted to specific language like German Language or Spanish Language. Important point: I assume that ...
Sasha's user avatar
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Non-English Proposal Requirements

Our goal to make the Stack Exchange Network a great place to produce high-quality Q&A sites, no matter what language they speak. But we are still predominantly an English-speaking organization and ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
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What about language of the site interface?

Proposal: Ukrainian Language Чи можливо буде перекласти інтерфейс цього сайту українською? Те саме, тоді необхідно зробити з довідкою та іншими частинами сайту. Я готовий допомогти з цим. Що треба ...
Yola's user avatar
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Musical Practice and Performance for Russian speakers?

Idea is the same as for original "Musical Practice and Performance": For musicians, students, and enthusiasts. Topics include practice & performance, composition, technique, theory, and ...
Andrew_STOP_RU_WAR_IN_UA's user avatar
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Is it still an accepted practice to create a different language version for an existing site?

It was done with StackOverflow (now Stack Overflow En Espanol exists, as Stack Overflow Em Portugues). Is it still considered an accepted practice or will it likely be closed (e.g. by moderation) if I ...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
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Help about non-English / international site proposals [duplicate]

The intention of this question was to consolidate in one place the most important discussions and resources around non-English / international site proposals. I have heard about the Stack Exchange ...
Wicket's user avatar
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English Language Learners [in Japanese]

Proposed Q&A site for English in Japanese. is English. I want to ask in Japanese.
shingo.nakanishi's user avatar
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Language Communities and Translation Communities

I was unsure if I should ask this here or on meta, but here seems to fit better. I've been in some of the Stack Exchange's Language Communities, and saw that many questions are being asked in English ...
Chun's user avatar
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Would a site about migrants related legislation be ok?

I am volunteering in an association helping migrant people who want to take their studies up again getting through the administrative difficulties. Many volunteers are good-willing people but not ...
Vincent's user avatar
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