Proposal: English Language Learners
A Brief Background — 6 months ago as part of the Area 51 process, this proposal was renamed from "English as a Second Language" to "English Language Learners." It was a way to highlight (and defend) the NEED to support a *separate* community for non-native speakers who were falling through the cracks of our English SE site. Congratulations, you've made it! and we are preparing this site for launch.
But before we do so, I implore you to restore the proper name of this site to
English as a Second Language (
Trying to describe the difference between "English Learners" and an "English Language & Usage" site will be difficult at best. If the dividing line become easy questions versus hard questions, the site will fail. On the other hand, when a native (or non-native) speaker sees "ESL" they'll know exactly where they need to be. The audiences are distinct; the line is clear.
This is not about semantics — yes, non-native speakers can fare just fine on EL&U — this is about the end-user experience and letting potential users know (clearly) where they need to be. For every user who stumbles into the wrong forum, it is easy to become confused, and everyone is unhappy.
Let's make this change now so we don't have to spend countless hours telling users they're in the wrong place. It's a wasted effort that will only only drive users away.