Lo que nos falta al día de hoy para completar la fase de definición son votos por las preguntas de ejemplo que aún tienen menos de 10 votos netos.
Puedes escoger entre las que ya están propuestas, y si, en tu opinión, ninguna de estas cumple con lo que define este sitio, puedes también proponer tus propias preguntas de ejemplo y competir por los votos y el reconocimiento de la comunidad que se está formando alrededor de esta propuesta.
Para más información, lee las Preguntas Frecuentes de Area51, el informe actualizado del estado de la propuesta y las publicaciones bajo la etiqueta StackOverflow en el blog de jachguate
What is mising to date to complete the definition phase are votes on the example questions that still have less than 10 net votes.
You can choose from those already proposed and if, in your opinion, none of these meets what defines this site, you can also suggest your own example questions and compete for votes and recognition of the community that is forming around this proposal.
For more info, read the Area51 FAQ in Spanish, the current state of the proposal and what's published under the StackOverflow tag in jachguate's blog
What's this?
This is not really a discussion, but a announcement to the Spanish speakers, new users to the StackExchange network, who visits the proposal, in an effort to educate them about the process and provide the same information available to the English speakers. Because of that the title is in spanish first and then in English, to allow they realize about what this discussion is.
If you're going to downvote, please take in account that I'm posting here in the discuss area by the advise of Robert Cartaino, because there's no permitted to use the Announcements section to publish this. If you donwnvote after all, I understand, as I also find funny to have to come here to make this kind of information available to them.
Proposal: Stack Overflow in Spanish