Proposal: English Language Learners
Following the conclusion of the Definition phase, this proposal was recently closed in support of our English SE site. After a lot of discussion here and internally, we decided to re-open this proposal.
There were a lot of intriguing arguments throughout. I think it is safe to prioritize learning over expertise in this case. A "network of experts" is an aspirational goal we uphold, yet the audiences seem clearly different. There is a huge pent-up demand for learning English from an in-kind community where questions simply need to be asked from a different context from what we have now. Learning (versus mastering) a language is a fundamental cornerstone of any human being's education — important enough to support two sites at very different levels.
So we move forward.
The Next Steps
The proposal will continue as normal. There's a bit of work needed to make it clear that this site is here to serve "English-language learners," not just a dumping ground for "too basic" question from English Language & Usage.
Our current English community will have to be patient about what they migrate while we build a strong foundation for a high-quality learning site. The new site will need time establish an "expert community." Advanced learners can share what they know (through experience or research). Hopefully advanced English users will join the site, too. But it's going to take a lot of moderation and community involvement to overcome the inherent language barrier and potential quality issues. We have to assure the answers are consistently correct and high quality. But that's what early betas are for.
Good luck, and enjoy!