Firearm safety should always be the cornerstone of any Firearms Q&A site. Which should mean that any question that involves a safety violation indicates that the OP has a lack of understanding of Firearm Safety.
A question such as "How to disable a gun so it can be used as part of my halloween costume?"
is in regards to an extremely unsafe firearm practice. By an overwhelming majority, it was voted as off-topic
It's important to consider that the proposal phase was meant to identify questions that were on topic and off topic, not questions that were asked by people who were inexperienced, unsafe, or otherwise lacking in basic common sense.
By including questions that indicate the OP practices unsafe firearm handling techniques, our community has an opportunity to perhaps save lives by educating the OP on the proper safety procedures in hopes that the OP will serve as a good example to others around him or her.
By immediately deleting questions such as this, we don't prevent firearm safety dangers; instead, we discard our responsibility as leaders and leave these individuals to their own devices.
If Firearms is going to move forward, Firearm Safety must also be included since every contributor to this site should be an expert on Firearm Safety and help moderate by reinforcing these safety procedures when necessary.
Proposal: Firearms