Nice to meet you Martin! Before making this proposal, I tried to get in touch with you and orthocresol earlier this week on a chat room I made but wasn't able to grab your attention. One year ago we did talk, and you told me that Area51 is deadly. For the last 12 months I've done extensive research before making this proposal. A little bit of that research was revealed in my recent Chemistry Meta post, which I will summarize here:
On Chemistry SE there has been only 296 questions with the materials tag and only one had any of the "computational", or "theory", or "theoretical" tags. This is 0.003% of the questions on Chemistry.
There was also only one question on the Physics SE with both a materials tag and a computational tag. This is 0.0007% of the questions on Physics.
In contrast:
- There has been at least 1007 materials modeling questions about VASP asked on ResearchGate,
- 15,000+ threads on the VASP forum (I can't see them because I haven't bought a VASP license, and you need to pay for this to get an account for the forum) in 14 years,
- 2 questions/week on the VASP facebook group, which over 14 years would be ~1456 questions.
The story is similar for LAMMPS, CPMD, CP2K, ABINT, CASTEP, DFTB+, and QE. Why we should have a unified SE for general questions of interest to each of those (related) communities, rather than signing up separately for 7 different forums and asking the same thing in 7 different places, is something I'd like to save for a separate question, so that this answer doesn't become too long.
If pushed to prove it to you, I'm sure I can find enough evidence to convince you that there's more than 100,000 materials modeling questions on the internet right now, all spread across very disparate forums, Q/A sites, and Facebook pages, where users of one medium may not even know about the existence of some of the others.
100k questions would put this SE in the top 15 out of all SE sites, yet neither ChemistrySE nor PhysicsSE have succeeded in attracting this audience as we seem to constitute < 0.005% of the questions on either of those SEs. This is part of why I think we need a Materials Modeling SE: For most of the proposed questions so far, how do I decide whether to ask it on PhysicsSE or ChemistrySE or on some Facebook group or other non-SE website because of fear that not enough Materials Scientists or Materials Engineers will see it? Do I roll a 6-sided die and 1/6 of the time ask on PhysicsSE, 1/6 of the time ask on ChemistrySE, 1/6 of the time ask on a MaterialsModeling facebook group, 1/6 of the time ask on some forum, etc? A similar dilema came up for Quantum Computing, since questions would be valid on Physics, or CS, or Theoretical CS, or Mathematics, or MathOverFlow, or Engineering, or Electrical Engineering, or Information Security, etc. QCSE ended up becoming one of the fastest growing proposals!