Proposal: Theoretical Physics
I Propose: A three-tier model for physics SE sites.
Many physics-related questions fall into the following three categories:
(1) graduate student- / post-doc- / research- / professional-level questions;
(2) undergraduate- / undergraduate-level questions;
(3) laypersons'- / popular- / semi-popular-level questions.
Therefore, to cater best to all three categories - while maintaining the highest signal/noise ratio, I'm suggesting the following:
(1) A professional set of sites for category (1) -
Theoretical / Mathematical Physics [this site] (which, if the site - hopefully - grows over time and gains further membership, may be divided into arXiv-like sites (Astrophysics.SE; Condensed Matter.SE; General Relativity & Quantum Cosmology.SE; High-Energy Physics.SE; Nuclear Physics.SE; Mathematical Physics.SE; and Quantum Physics.SE))
Experimental Physics (Q&A's specific to experimental physics)
(2) The current Physics.SE site for undergraduates / undergraduate-level questions; (Nb: please see below)
(3) Science for general- / layperson's- / popular-level questions.
Update: point (2)* of the above proposal is withdrawn.
[*"(2) The current Physics.SE site for undergraduates / undergraduate-level questions;"]
Upon consultation with Theoretical Physics SE members, an alternative proposal - if / should one be agreed upon - shall be presented. (Preliminary proposal: 'Undergraduate Physics SE': A Q&A site for college and university undergraduate students in Physics.)
Update: If anyone disagrees with the above-proposal please feel free to share your opposing views / objection(s), or disagreement.
(I'm aware that my: a) direct usage of SE sites is very limited / non-existent, and b) my academic background is limited to undergraduate level, so I will not respond to any specifics / criticism of such than to state that the above-proposal is a) specifically a 'meta-'-level issue, and b) for 'Theoretical Physics SE'-committed members only.)
[Note: This is not for everyone at this forum- only the inevitable few who seem always to lurk around internet forums or similar sites: I do not respond to disrespectful / offensive / inappropriate / rude or otherwise derogatory comment/s / feedback / interaction of any kind. PLEASE SHOW RESPECT AND COURTESY WHEN EXPRESSING YOUR VIEWS, OR PLEASE REFRAIN FROM EXPRESSING THEM.]