I'm not sure if this belongs here or into the mother meta as a feature request, if the latter is the case, please migrate.
There are a few proposed sites that are StackOverflow in a language other than English.
I don't think that makes sense, because:
- SO is multilingual already, to a certain extent. There are many programming languages and not every user knows every language. That's totally fine. We add tags to questions to differentiate. Creating a Java.stackexchange.com or c.stackexchange.com would not be the right thing to do.
- It only helps big languages. A language that is only spoken by a few people will not get its own SO. Just like some rarely used programming languages would never get their own site. But with tags, even questions about esoteric programming languages can be asked and answered. Seriously, look at that list. I can barely constrain myself from adding Quenya or Klingon linking to Rick Astley.
- It creates duplicates that are harder to manage. Duplicates are a reason to close questions, but apparently also a reason to create entire new sites. True, the duplicate questions are asked in a different language, but content wise, they are still duplicates. Instead of adding more sites, add more multilingual features to the original SO. Flagging a question as duplicate in different language will add it to the translation review queue where members that know both languages can translate the accepted answer. Reputation is shared between translator and original answerer.
Instead of proposing new sites, let's put our energy into making SO (or any SE site for that matter) multilingual on a meta level (that is, not just with tags, but the ability for users to set their languages, translation review queues, tag descriptions, site text, help text...)
To address some things from answers:
Comparing programming languages with human languages is... mind bending. Those who speak wildly different languages than English like Japanese or Russian will tell better than me for sure.
I compared programming languages with human languages in terms of whether it is possible to distinguish the language(s) used in a question with a tag. This is not mind bending in any way and has nothing to do with the differences between languages at all. Just like wildly different programming languages can be distinguished via tags, wildly different human languages can be distinguished just the same way.
The point about small languages is a perfect solution fallacy.
The barrier for creating a new language specific site is way higher than creating a tag. That's a fact, not a fallacy. A human language with only a few speakers could easily form a subcommunity, but never get enough questions/views per day/users to justify their own language specific SO.
Two equal questions in different languages cannot be duplicates, at least in 2015, when machine translation is still... fragile.
Two equal questions are equal and thus duplicates. You can give the same erroneous code to different people and will receive swearwords in different languages, but the underlying programming problem.
Suggesting that machine translation is fragile totally ignores the suggestion I made above. I didn't suggest any machine translation at all.