Proposal: Korean Language and Usage
What are some ideas on how to improve this proposal? My idea was to have a stackexchange site for learning Korean, mainly for beginners. But perhaps it would be better for this proposal to have a wider scope, so that it can attract more advanced speakers as well as culture enthusiasts.
One of the things we can discuss are the title and proposal description. Initially the title was Korean language and Culture, but to limit the scope to language only, it was changed to Korean Language and Usage (based on English Language and Usage SE site). But that site is for advanced users of English and the site for beginners of English is English Language Learners. So how about this proposal? Should it's scope be further limited by changing it to Korean Language Learners, or should it be further expanded, for example, as Korean Language and Culture? This answer for a different proposal suggests that it might be a better idea to make it's scope broader until the site gets going, and if the community grows large enough, a spin-off site for the subtopic can always be created later.
Please provide some solutions in the answer. Also, should the proposal description be in Korean as well? Would that help in giving the proposal more visibility?