Proposal: Earth Science
Some other geo sciences - to be or not to be included?
Geodesy - the science for measurement basing on the Earth model or its part and creation of these models. The subject of measurement is often the Earth, too. The sub directions are: Astronomogeodesy (global and regional measurements of the Earth using the astrometry), Space geodesy (measurements of the Earth using the sattelites. GPS belongs here.
Geomatics - the problems and algorythms for working with the Earth or regional mathematical models and the models themselves.
Cartography - the science for graphic representation of the Earth and all sorts of things on it and in it. GIS problems belong to it, too, I think. Not their coding side, but the informational one.
Aerial and space survey - retrieving of information from space and aerial photos. And organization of such survey.
Survey - the practical measurements on the surface, resulting mostly in maps.
Geology with all its children: Paleontology as the science too connected to geology,
Hydrology, including Glaciology