OK, so, after reading some discussion here I think everyone should calm down and think about this proposal with cool head. I've jumped in and was pretty excited about it at first, but now I'm becoming more and more skeptical. I think we should consider the following reasons before actually committing to the new site:
I don't see a single question in proposed list which is not appropriate for Cross Validated. So, there exists a site where all these questions could be asked and where all the same people (plus more) are present. So it doesn't give any improvements on coverage of topics or users...
Cross Validated is not hugely popular. It is just OK. And machine learning is 4th most popular tag there. That means we are going to split out a big chunk of CV, which will make two semi-dead pages out of one OK page. This is considering people will actually move to ML, I feel like most will just keep visiting CV and ML will have an extremely low traffic. I'm not even starting on confusion about where to actually post the ML-related questions (given the already popular category on CV). What will happen is that most of ML guys will be registered on both and newcommers will be pretty confused.
I'm writing all this simply because I think whatever is done here should be done for the benefit of the community. The reasons for opening a new page would be if there is a big area of questions which are not covered in already existing SE page or if there is next to none overlap of this area with already existing site. Neither of these is true in this case. "We want to get apart from those linear regression guys" is not a valid reason.
Don't get me wrong, if it does go through I'm going to participate actively for sure, I just don't think it is going to improve anything. I'm passionate about machine learning and do understand when people are excited about it, but I'm also passionate about SE and in my opinion emotions are not what should be the motivation.
All in all, please think in terms of benefit to community first, and then vote. I'm happy to discuss further if people have different opinion.
Proposal: Machine Learning